A guest post by Lyn Ten Brink, with contributions from Kateesha Adams, Caryn Schierbeek & Sara Webb


“SLP has taught me that the kingdom is here, all around us, and if we have eyes to see, we will see it. It has also taught me that I am perfectly made, and that God finds delight in me, which silenced insecurities I didn’t know I had.”

—Amanda, SLP Student Leader, CA

Remember back to the first time someone let you look through the lens of a camera? Maybe that person helped you bring the camera into focus as you looked in your backyard. What you normally see back there is a hodgepodge of plants, but with the lens in focus you see the details, you see things differently. You see variations of colors and textures, you see thriving plants and struggling plants, maybe you see a beetle on the petal of a flower.

That is what Young Life’s Student Leadership Project (SLP) is like.

For ten days this summer, 32 strangers from around the country gathered together to take a close look—as if through the lens of a camera—into each other’s lives, our world, our unique contexts and our experiences together. Things that started out a little blurry slowly came into focus as we practiced life together and looked through the lens of Scripture into our context.

One adult leader, Kateesha Adams, counted it pure joy to watch students being transformed by the Word of God and hands on experiences. In her own words, SLP “enables adult leaders to engage students in leadership development through learning new concepts and theories, provides opportunities to experience and practice leadership together as well as time to reflect on and learn from those experiences.”

SLP Collage

Each day of SLP is different and filled with a variety of opportunities to learn and grow. Mornings were spent in class time at our host colleges, Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI and North Park University in Chicago, IL. Our studies focused around the 5 Pillars of SLP: cultural awareness, calling, spiritual practices, servant leadership and service learning.

As we lived and learned alongside one another, our lenses changed and we caught a picture of the Kingdom. “We have a glimpse of what it is like to walk in the shoes of brothers and sisters without judgment or fear,” reflected Kateesha.

One memorable teaching encouraged us to look at Jesus, who showed us how to lead multi-culturally. He came and changed people’s cultural perceptions by simply recruiting a diverse team of disciples and then took them on foot to interact with people from diverse cultures, socioeconomic backgrounds and abilities.


Every afternoon at SLP allowed students the chance to experience and practice seeing each other and life through a new lens. We served at Wedgwood Christian Services, we walked and prayed through the city, we navigated public transportation, we shared a meal with homeless and we worshipped at Chicago Tabernacle.

SLP sets kids up to be the hands and feet of Christ,” commented Sara Webb, Wedgwood’s Young Life Coordinator, who was beyond excited the day SLP came to Wedgwood.

“I love the students’ willingness to learn and ask really great questions about a population of kids they may have never thought of before. The kids serve Wedgwood by hosting bingo for our residential clients. It is an energy-filled afternoon of affirming kids through applause and prizes and building relationships through conversation. The student leaders also served by making trophies and prepping club materials for Wedgwood Young Life ministry. The student leaders at SLP get me excited about what God is doing in the lives of teenagers.”


“God was visibly present in our time,” reflected Caryn Schierbeek, who also served as an adult leader. “We could see Him through the transformation of students and through real and obvious answers to prayer—sometimes within mere minutes! It was beautiful to watch kids of different races and walks of life grow to love one another and challenge one another to pursue Jesus Christ in new ways. SLP created a new type of Christian community that I hope many others will have the opportunity to experience.”

Thirty-two strangers became 32 friends with 32 different stories and 32 lenses by which to experience life in Christ together. And now 32 people are ready to lead differently in our places in this world. 

These high school students are an amazing bunch. They have the capacity to change this world and bring glimpses of heaven to earth. And we get to cheer, pray and encourage them on!

Thanks to those who created, supported, prayed for and cheered on the YL Student Leadership Project. Special thanks to Calvin College for being such great hosts and modeling hospitality like none other.

“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” Amen and Amen!


Lyn Ten Brink serves the Western Great Lakes Region as Calvin College Young Life Coordinator. She serves the Midwest Division as Capernaum Coordinator. Lyn co-directed the first session of SLP along with WGL Regional Director, Chris Theule-VanDam.

Kateesha Adams serves as Urban Ministry Director for Benton Harbor Young Life. When she signed up to be a leader for SLP she had no idea what she was saying “Yes” to. Now she knows that SLP is one of Young Life’s best kept secrets!

Caryn Schierbeek serves as Staff Associate for Michiana Young Life. She considers it a privilege to have been part of SLP this summer and left filled with hope for the mission of Young Life.

Sara Webb serves as Young Life Coordinator at Wedgwood. The day SLP comes to Wedgwood is one of her favorite days of summer!

“The world is broken. There is hate and selfishness and racism and sorrow and pain. Christ came to restore this broken world. The Kingdom of God is now. I have the eyes to see the brokenness, but also the eyes to see the beauty of God’s Kingdom. The pursuit of God’s Kingdom is beautiful.”

—Franklin, SLP Student Leader, WV

1 Comment

First-Ever Discipleship Weekend Develops Student Leaders – Western Great Lakes Young Life · April 20, 2018 at 7:31 am

[…] A discipleship weekend experience had been a dream for Area Director Erin Iafrate ever since kids from her area participated in the Student Leadership Project, Young Life’s summer discipleship program for high school juniors a…. […]

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