
Ministry is a blend of dreaming and obedience, of listening and following…but never does it end up where we think it will.

God’s ways are not our ways, nor are his thoughts our thoughts…nor are his plans our plans. 

About twenty years ago Rosemary Nuland and group of people from North Blendon Christian Reformed Church were burdened with the struggle of families trying to get on their feet. Families who wanted to own their own home but were unable to get a downpayment together.

Rosemary Nuland and Family

Rosemary Nuland and Family

They wanted to be the ones to give these families a leg up, so they started a ministry called New Hope House. This ministry would allow for the use of their old parsonage located in Allendale, MI to be rented out to tenants who were looking to become homeowners.

The tenants would make monthly rent payments and at the end of their lease term New Hope House would give the rent money they had paid to their new mortgage lender as downpayment on a home of their own.

For years this ministry accomplished what it set out to do, it helped families realize their dream of home ownership.

Over the past few years, the board of New Hope House sensed that it was time for the program to draw to a close. They began to pray about what God’s next step would be for the Allendale home after New Hope House ministry was over.

Rosemary and her husband were heavily involved with Young Life, regularly volunteering at Timber Wolf Lake (a Young Life Camp in Lake City, Michigan). They suggested to their board donating the property to Young Life for use as housing or offices.

The idea was explored and prayed about further as the committee sought God’s will for New Hope House. Finally they approached Regional Director Chris Theule-VanDam and Area Director Ryan Elders, “We want to start the process of giving it to you guys.”

They hoped that it would be used for Young Life purposes in the Eastern Ottawa Area.

The Board asked Eastern Ottawa Young Life to put together a proposal detailing what they would do with the property.

What an amazing gift, but what would the area do with a property? They were already settled into new offices which were rent free and a great fit for the area. 

Ryan Elders and Staff Associate Erin Iafrate spent hours thinking and praying about how to best use the property. In the end they felt God leading them away from using the property as offices or a rental.  They were called to work with kids, not be landlords.

“It would be better for us to turn this down than to be distracted by it.”  And that’s saying something in the face of a six figure donation.

They were concerned that the responsibilities of renting out a home, but speechless over the gift the New Hope House board was offering.

So they wrote up a proposal for the board of New Hope House that involved Eastern Ottawa drawing on volunteers hours and resources to fix up the house for sale, the proceeds of which would be put in a trust for the area. 

At first the board of New Hope was disappointed, they wanted the house to stay active in the area as a ministry.

Yet a few days later one of the board members called back and agreed to the proposal. God has turned us around on this idea…

So in May of 2013 the Eastern Ottawa area began work on the house in Allendale, drawing on volunteers and donations to get the house on the market.

“I thought at the latest we’d have the house on the market by the end of the summer,” said Elders.

The process took seven months longer than expected and ten months from start to finish.

Kris Keegstra from Grand Valley Remax agreed to be an advisor and realtor for the property free of charge
Church Partner Ryan White stained the front deck and helped with numerous indoor projects.
Potluck Pickup donated a dumpster.
Sherwin Williams and Werisema Painting donated the paint.
True Life Bible Church removed the old carpet and painted interior walls.
Ridgeview Landscaping donated the woodchips.
Columbo’s Floors gave the area a great deal on new carpet.
Jim Schut helped with the drywall.
Josh Heybor of DHE donated and installed a new water heater and water softener.
Builder Conrad VanderWerf assisted on a myriad of projects in the home.
Josh Vruggink donated his time to keep the driveway plowed.

It very literally took a small village of people to get the house on the market.

Early on the staff of the Eastern Ottawa area realized that they would have to be completely reliant on God and his people to show up. Without the volunteers who gave freely of time and skills, this never would have happened.

But it happened. The dream of the New Hope House is continuing to bless it’s community and just last month the Allendale home was sold and the six-figured profits were put into the Young Life foundation on behalf of the area. (Click here for more info on the Young Life Foundation)

“The founders of New Hope House really wanted to care for their community and provide for people who were looking to advance themselves with this asset and we want to continue that abundant and rich ministry,” said Elders.

One season has drawn to a close for this home, but a new one is just beginning.

The area has put this money in the Young Life Foundation and hopes never to touch the funds themselves. Instead they will use the interest it accrues each year to advance and support those who are looking to serve the community through the ministry of Young Life.

The blessing this home provided for so many families will continue… 

Maybe it will help start YoungLives in the area.
Maybe it will help start Capernum in the area.
Maybe it will go to camperships so kids who can’t afford to go camp, still can

No matter how the funds are used, one thing is for sure: The dream of the New Hope House is still alive and has now expanded beyond the foundation of one home and into the hearts of many.


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