On the blog today we’re shining the spotlight on this dynamic duo: Tom Huissen, Teacher Staff from the Fremont area and his daughter, Kaitlin Huissen, Staff Associate for the Northeast Grand Rapids area.
“You can call me Tom.”
Tom has been with Fremont Young Life for 25 years. In the course of those years, his involvement has varied from volunteer leader to committee member to most recently Teacher Staff.
Tom is married to Pamela and they have two adult daughters, Kaitlin and Lauren. It was Pamela who first introduced Tom to Young Life all those years ago — well, to be exact, it was a Young Life calendar hanging in Pamela’s cubicle at work that first caught Tom’s eye. The calendar photo was a typical Young Life scene depicting happy, smiling faces smothered in shaving cream and having the time of their lives. It wasn’t long before Tom caught that vision and felt compelled to get involved.
As a teacher, Tom is uniquely positioned to positively influence the lives of many students. Each day you’ll find him teaching a classroom full of 5th graders in the Fremont Public Schools. But you’ll also find Tom intentionally stepping deeper into the world of adolescents each time he walks onto the high school campus for lunch or sporting events. Tom loves bumping into former students — many he hasn’t seen since they finished the 5th grade — and hearing them call out, “Hi, Mr. Huissen!” To which Tom responds, “You can call me Tom now!”
One of the great things about being a teacher is having summers off. And one of the great things about Young Life is summer camping. That perfect combination has allowed Tom to take students to camp for many summers. Whether its been backpacking in Colorado or camping at Timber Wolf or Castaway, many of Tom’s favorite memories involve camp.
When asked what he appreciates most about Young Life Tom was quick to respond: “How adults just chase after kids.” For Tom, Young Life’s relational approach is what sets the ministry apart. And Tom embodies that ministry of presence — meeting kids where they’re at in order to build lasting relationships.
An irresistible force.
Tom’s daughter Kaitlin has been a Staff Associate for Northeast Grand Rapids Young Life and team leader at Forest Hills Central for the past two years.
From the time Kaitlin was little, Young Life was a constant part of family life. Many of her earliest memories include going to track meets with her parents to cheer on students, waking up from a Sunday afternoon nap to find her living room full of high schoolers and eventually having her dad as her Young Life leader.

Tom (pictured top row & left) with a group of students from Fremont, including Kaitlin (pictured middle row & center) at Timber Wolf Lake; Summer 2007
Having her Dad at her school regularly was more than okay for Kaitlin. She recalls showing up to many basketball games and having her friends ask, “Where’s your dad?” “He’s just a fun and goofy guy who relates well to kids,” Kaitlin shared about her dad. And even more, “He’s a constant, faithful presence.” That’s what being a Young Life leader is all about.
Kaitlin has that same charisma and personality. During college she decided to become a Young Life leader, serving first at East Grand Rapids High School and later at Forest Hills Central. One of her most cherished memories was when she took students to Castaway the same week her dad was there with a group from Fremont.
That experience gave Kaitlin a glimpse of the generational impact of Young Life. Seeing her father pouring into her life and countless other students in Fremont, influenced Kaitlin to pour into the lives of high school students at East Grand Rapids High. Both Kaitlin and Tom have been blessed to witness former students growing in faith and becoming leaders in their own communities.
While Kaitlin loves Young Life for all the fun and crazy, she’s been mostly thankful for the deep, lasting relationships centered in Christ. Area Director Matt DeHoog, who works closely with Kaitlin, says she possesses “a great blend of being able to care for and walk with kids, leaders and adults…She has an infectious energy and focus that draws people to her.” Her father describes her the same way: “Kaitlin is an irresistible force.” What a testimony to the power of Christ at work in and through his faithful servants.
The dynamic duo.
Theses days, Tom finds himself connecting more with leaders than with students. While he still enjoys showing up to club, much of his work involves gathering leaders together over meals to encourage and equip. Kaitlin continues with her excellent work on staff in Northeast Grand Rapids. Matt DeHoog shared, “I’m thankful that God called Kaitlin to Young Life staff and cannot wait to see what He does through her in the coming years!”
Tom and Kaitlin: thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to kids and adults alike in your communities. Your passionate and faithful commitment already has and will continue to make a lasting impact for generations to come.