Our ministry starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, where they are, as they are, and build bridges of authentic friendship.
These friendships don’t happen overnight, they take time, patience, trust, and consistency. Young Life leaders log many hours with kids. We listen to their stories and genuinely care about their joys, triumphs, heartaches, and setbacks.
We believe in the power of presence. Kids’ lives are dramatically influenced when caring adults come alongside them. Because their Young Life leader believes in them, they begin to see that their lives have worth, meaning, and purpose.
This is the first step of a lifelong journey; the choices they make today, based upon God’s love for them, will have an impact on future decisions all rippling out from the time when a Young Life leader took time to reach out and enter their world.
As a region of Young Life, we equip, train and support hundreds of volunteer leaders along with our full- and part-time staff who work directly with students and young adults. We do this by providing leadership, fostering community, and encouraging growth in both our leaders and areas committees.