Reflections on Young Life & food + conversation starters for meals at camp.

So much of the good stuff of relationships in Young Life centers around food! This applies to campaigner breakfasts, late night pizza runs, shared drive through dinners, big cookies at camp, and impromptu coffee or ice cream dates. 

Unsurprisingly, many of the stories of Jesus’s life and ministry involve food too. From feeding the 5,000, to the last supper. His very first miracle was performed at a wedding turning water into wine, and one of his last in his physical body was filling his friends’ nets full of fish and cooking them breakfast on the beach. We love that about Him!

This time of year our minds are turning toward camp and the many opportunities we will have to share meals with the students around our tables. We truly feel like the feasts held for hungry campers at Young Life camps around the country are a taste of heaven on earth! What a holy time. With this in mind, we wanted to share a resource we came across for great table conversation. 

While these questions were crafted with camp in mind, their relevance persists into the rest of life too. Whether you use these with your family, Young Life kids, youth group, or friends, we hope this guide serves you well! 

We also would like to invite you to be praying over our staff on assignment, leaders, campers, work crew, and summer staffers from our region this summer. You can easily follow along in prayer with this printable document, detailing who is headed where and when throughout the summer. 

For those of you headed to camp this summer, we are saying a prayer over the meals that you will share with friends new and old. And remember… DRINK WATER! 

Categories: Regional News